Random word picker helps you to randomly select some random text from your list or article. For example imagine that you have a work event in which you should choose one of the employees in an accidental order to find out who next will take part in the charades or simply randomly determine the location of the next excursion.

how it works

Step one is to know what seperator you want to use (comma seperated, space seperated, semicolon seperated or new line seperated). Then you need to add your text in our text area and then click "Generate!" to generate random outcome.

seperators meaning

Comma seperated: when text is seperated with comma.
Example: Apple, Truck, Moon

Space seperated: when text is seperated with space.
Example: Apple Truck Moon

Semicolon seperated: when text is seperated with semicolon.
Example: Apple; Truck; Moon

New line seperated: when text is seperated with new line.